If any of my members need to contact me..

My Meetings this week

  • Monday, Broadview, 5.30pm
  • Monday, Broadview, 7pm
  • Wednesday, St Agnes, 9am
  • Wednesday, Wynn Vale, 5.30pm
  • Friday Myer Centre 9am-2pm
  • Saturday, St Agnes, 8.30am
  • Saturday, St Agnes, 10am

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Ups and downs

I haven't been sleeping well, there are heaps of things going on at the moment that are playing on my mind the 3 that concern me the most are, my nonna isn't well, I feel that she won't be with us for very long, my uncle's cancer isn't responding to the chemo, so they are going to try him on another, and mum is going to Sydney for an operation next week for a triple prolapse.

I really had no idea what the scales would say today but I was thrilled to see that I lost another 0.3kg. I have 1.3kgs until goal. But even more exciting is that I have lost 4 weeks in a row.. I'm on a roll!

Last week I had so many comment from people I see all the time about my WL. One older gent I see most weeks at the restaurant that we go to each week, said "You know Sharon, you are almost not here!" LOL

Something fantastic happened at the meeting this morning.. we were celebrating losses, as we do, and we had 2 fabulous people lose 0.1kg. Now "usually" when there is a loss of 0.1kg people don't usually celebrate and don't even really mention it but instead of using the ONLY word (ie. only 0.1kg).. they both used "another" so they lost "another" 0.1kg! How fabulous is that! I love the positivity! All the little losses add up, you can't expect to lose a kilo every week. EVERY minus no matter how big or small counts!

Have a great week everyone!


Martine (email: mdally@internode.on.net) said...

I am glad you mentioned about the 0.1 loss. I have the attitude as long it is a loss I will celebrate and they all add up in the long run, it isnt a race. Hopefully your meetings are going well, when I have a free Saturday I will pop over to one of your meetings PLUS good idea about having your meetings on your blog. Great you lost again ! Martine

Mel. said...

Congratulations on your loss this week and I hope everything works out for the best with your family... Sending you (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your loss Shaz. As for your Nonna and Uncle big hugs to you and your family. As for your mum, I honestly know what you are going through, except I was in your mum's position. 2 weeks ago today, I had my hysterectomy, and bladder prolapse dealt with, and am doing other things in relation to my bowel, to prevent many surgeries on my bowel, and each becoming less effective.

I was back at work within 10 days and did my normal week

Mel. said...

you've been tagged. see my blog for details.

Aria said...

hello sharon =]
my name is aria, im 15 from nz. i saw your sucess story on thw weight watchers website and was so inspired that i joined! I have been doing it for 4 weeks and have lost 3.7kg. Im 900grams from my 5% goal and i pretty much owe it to you :D you have a special mention on one of my blogs. Thanks heaps (honestly, without you i would probably be unhealthy and overweight for the rest of my life) THANK YOUx1000000000!
p.s. you look AMAZING!!!!

schmoogen said...

I am friends with Aria (above), she was so inspired by your story that she got me on to it as well and I have to agree with her- you've really contributed to our determination. We've seen your results and they are SPECTACULAR.
Thank you for starting our journey.
We use your example to motivate eachother, and so far it's working very well!
We repeat your slogans, and talk about how we want to be like ShazzyWombles.
Thanks for both of us,

P.S. Im 15 and I've lost 3.5kg, also from NZ (obviously).

mummy4girls said...

Hi Sharon,

You told me off for using the "only" word the other day but I guess I didn't know what other way to appreciate a smaller loss but I lost "another .3!" so happy with that!

Hope you're well

Stacey G