So I've started a new Blog..
I know it's been a long time between posts but I've missed blogging so I'm going to continue in a new blog. Shazzy Is A Leader Now is where I'll be posting from now on.
I know it's been a long time between posts but I've missed blogging so I'm going to continue in a new blog. Shazzy Is A Leader Now is where I'll be posting from now on.
Posted by
9:27 pm
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Firstly thankyou to all of you who have contacted me, yes, I'm still alive just really busy lately, but I hope that I settle down a bit soon. I am now doing 4 meetings a week, was doing 5, so that gives me a whole other day I have no meetings to do "stuff". I still love doing meetings and LOVE my members! You guys rock!
I put myself on maintenence over winter so I am still not quite at goal, but my goal is to be there by Christmas, there I've said it and it's in print and published even!
We went "home" a few weeks ago for my cousin's wedding so I will attach some pics for you!
Ready to hit the town! Well ok, I did have 2 small champagnes! :)
At the reception.
Daniel turned 5 September, which really deserves a post all on it's own AND has started big boy school.. I think I should do a separate post later. TFL
Posted by
1:15 pm
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I've been really busy doing subs and taking on extra meetings of late, so I've had little time to do much at all other than work! LUCKILY I love it! I have the best job in the world and I'm blessed to have really lovely members!
Goal wise, everything is moving in the right direction for me again, 1.7kg to go!
Posted by
3:58 pm
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This is crazy! I lost 1kg over Easter.. I made Hot Cross Buns (recipe on my blog) and I had chocolate, but I also did a bit of exercise and saved some points too! (and in fairness I had gained the 2 weeks prior so I'm probably just playing a bit of "catch up" atm.
I've been getting lots of wonderful people emailling me and it's fantastic! I do need to applogise though, there was a couple of emails this week that were deleted from my junk box before I had a chance to reply to them, so if it was you I'm sorry!
I'm doing a couple of subs this week and there will a few more over the next coming weeks.. so watch this space, I could be coming to a suburb near you!
Also some excitement for me personally.. size 8 Target black pants.. do I need to say more??
Until next time... keep smiling!
Posted by
7:43 pm
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I'm so sorry everyone, I have neglected my blog a tad of late! Let me try to fill you in on the last few weeks.
So that's me in a nutshell. Happy Easter everyone, please drive safely, and I promise I will update more regularly now that I'm back to "normal", whatever that is!
Posted by
1:09 pm
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My beautiful nonna passed away this afternoon, she was 87 and has been very ill, the past few weeks in particular. I'll be travelling home once we find out when the funeral is.
Riposa in pace Nonna, ti amo per sempre.
Posted by
9:56 pm
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I haven't been sleeping well, there are heaps of things going on at the moment that are playing on my mind the 3 that concern me the most are, my nonna isn't well, I feel that she won't be with us for very long, my uncle's cancer isn't responding to the chemo, so they are going to try him on another, and mum is going to Sydney for an operation next week for a triple prolapse.
I really had no idea what the scales would say today but I was thrilled to see that I lost another 0.3kg. I have 1.3kgs until goal. But even more exciting is that I have lost 4 weeks in a row.. I'm on a roll!
Last week I had so many comment from people I see all the time about my WL. One older gent I see most weeks at the restaurant that we go to each week, said "You know Sharon, you are almost not here!" LOL
Something fantastic happened at the meeting this morning.. we were celebrating losses, as we do, and we had 2 fabulous people lose 0.1kg. Now "usually" when there is a loss of 0.1kg people don't usually celebrate and don't even really mention it but instead of using the ONLY word (ie. only 0.1kg).. they both used "another" so they lost "another" 0.1kg! How fabulous is that! I love the positivity! All the little losses add up, you can't expect to lose a kilo every week. EVERY minus no matter how big or small counts!
Have a great week everyone!
Posted by
1:19 pm
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MEEEEEE!! I had a fantastic WI this morning, (at a different meeting, different scales and all that!) But I lost, are you sitting down?? 1.3kgs!!! Total lost is now 57kgs and I have 1.6kg to get to goal! YAY me!!
Meetings are going really well, and I love doing them!
Posted by
3:47 pm
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I made it.. I'm a leader! I'm sooooooooo excited!
I'm doing 2 meetings back to back in the city tomorrow (11.30am and 1pm) but these won't be my regular meetings.
My regular meetings are at Para Hills Tuesday 12.30 & St Agnes 9am Saturday mornings. Also next week I'll be doing a meeting for another leader at Gawler on Wednesday morning and Lockleys on Thursday morning.. so it's all happening! If you happen to pop into one of my meetings make sure you come and say hello.. I won't bite.. promise!
I'm not sure if I mentioned or not a couple of weeks ago that I've started Belly Dancing!! I go with a friend and we have a ball! It's great fun!
Weight wize is looking good with another 0.3kg loss this week.
Posted by
9:49 pm
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It has been soooo hot here in Adelaide, we've not seen these temps in over 70 years apparently. 6 days over 40°c and the top was last Wednesday at 45.6°c Urgh! Needless to say there has not been much activity in the last week! I'm also still not 100% but finished taking antibiotics last night and feel HEAPS better than what I did. The result of little activity and antibiotics showed a gain of 0.6kg this week, which is so much better than the over 1kg gain that happened last time I took anti biotics, so all in all a positive out come today :).
My first leader assessment has been deferred til Friday lunchtime at the city meeting, so'm very excited and nervous about that and now that I can talk without coughing and spluttering it should be great!
I should be able to post Friday night to let you know how I go!
Posted by
3:45 pm
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Thank you everyone who has commented and e-mailed me after the WW published my success story! It really is motivating for me to know that I help keep you inspired and motivated. Anyone can do it, you just have to want to! It's all about YOUR attitude.
You know, you only really need to follow the plan for one day? TODAY! And when tomorrow becomes today you follow it then too! And then repeat. Before you know it you have been following for a week, month, year.. Can you follow the plan for just one day?
I'm not well at the moment. I went to the Dr yesterday and I have a chest infection and now I'm on antibiotics, so who knows what will await me on the scales next week, but for this week I can celebrate a 1 kilo loss. I'm getting there slowly, whoever said the last few kilos were the hardest was right!
I was due to have my leader assessment tonight but seeing as I can't string together 5 words without coughing, I've asked for it to be postponed til next week. I would have actually preferred to have gotten it over and done with, but it can't be helped.
Tomorrow is my birthday and the plan is coffee with the girls (just coffee, no cake!)and dinner out somewhere WW friendly if I'm feeling ok (and as I'm on antibiotics there won't be any bubbles!), so it should be a great day!
Posted by
1:19 pm
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Last Saturday I went to the WW Leader course, which was great! It was good to meet other new leaders too. So next Wednesday night I will have an assessment (I'm required to do a motivational start and finish to another leader's meeting among other things) and providing I pass that I will be given my own meeting. How exciting!
I've also started ( well I went to a trial run) of belly dancing lessons! It was sooo much fun and great exercise the class went soo quickly before we knew it an hour was done. I can't wait for the "real" classes to start.
Now the news some of you have been waiting for! Remember back in October when I went to Sydney for the photoshoot? Well the photos and story should be online from next Monday 26th January! I can't wait to see it!
It's also my birthday Thursday week so don't forget to send the flowers and gifts!! lol jk
WI this week wasn't as exciting, I gained 0.3kg, but it's not the end of the world, I feel bloated and a bit "chesty" (Daniel is sick again and he just loves to share his germs!) foodwise I have been "on track", I haven't been out for as many walks as I should though and my water has slipped a little, so I know it is only a temporary, and not a true, gain.
Posted by
12:51 pm
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Well it seems like it has been forever since my last post, and it has been! Sorry everyone! As some of you may be aware we went to mum and dad's for Christmas and got back just this week. (and couldn't recover my password while I was there so no updates for you unfortunately)
We had a fabulous time and a little too much great food and alcohol, but it's all part of the season. There are heaps of little stories I have to share but it will have to wait as I seem to be a touch time poor at present. Suffice to say weighins (yes I went to weighin while was away) went like this -0.9kg first week, then +1.8kg Christmas week and +1.0kg New Years week. This week at weigh in I lost 1.8kgs so I'm still 0.1kg heavier than when we left and 1.0kg heavier than my lowest ever weight so all in all I'm pretty happy about that!
Ciao chickens!
Posted by
1:01 pm
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I've been awol because I had a wonderful occasion I had to prepare for. The occasion was one of my bridesmaid's engagement party interstate, which I told her I wasn't able to attend, being so close to Christmas and all! I didn't want to risk her or anyone who knows her finding out that I was indeed attending. The surprise came off wonderfully complete with a phonecall to her on the Friday (just before I was to leave from the airport) to wish her all the best and that we'd be thinking of her, and we'd see her when we were "home" for Christmas. She was so excited to see me and it was great to see people that I hadn't seen in 5 or 6 years! They were very surprised to see me with some not actually even recognising me!
Another reason that I have been awol is that being WW staff I was privvy to the new Satisfaction Plan a couple of weeks ago. It pleases me that in essence die hard point followers are being encouraged to eat filling foods, essentially from the old core food list. Also while core has been discontinued, I'm happy that there is a version of the satisfaction plan that you can do which essentially is CORE. Simply filling is Core in everything but name. While I haven't had great success on the new Satisfaction plan, it is not all that different to what I have been doing for the last 2 months, pointing core with 18 points! I have been following the Fast Start but I have not had very "normal" weeks.. with weddings engagements and illnesses. So I will reserve my judgement until I can to it "properly". I'll attempt to update with WI results tomorrow!
Posted by
10:19 pm
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Getting through winter without so much as a sniffle.. well that has truly come to bite me cos now I have a doozy! I was so sick over the weekend that I went to the Dr at the medical centre on Sunday! Sunday! I didn't wait to see my usual Dr. The Dr at the medical centre "thinks" I "may" have whooping cough but since it takes a while for the bloodtests to come back to confirm, he has given me antibiotics and panadiene forte (which apparently suppresses cough)to take "incase" it is whooping cough as I'm going away for the weekend and I'd really prefer not to be feeling as crappy as I was last weekend. As a result of taking the antibiotics and panadeine forte I had a surprise on the scales today with a GAIN of 0.7kg.. GREAT huh? Although I did not do any planned exercise last week, I was spot on with my food, so I can only assume it was the Anti b's and the pandeine which did it.
I had Dazey Dee's wedding on the weekend! It was lovely. Pics are here. (and yes I am wearing the same outfit as we wore to the wedding a couple of weeks ago.. a girl's gotta get milage out of her clothes. ;) )
Posted by
2:15 pm
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I have noticed there has been a lot of negativity lately, not just on the WW boards, but at meetings and in general, maybe it has something to do with the moon phases? Silly season? Who knows what it is? Anyway, whatever it is it's best to remember that at the end of the day we are in control of what goes in our mouths and whether or not we choose to exercise. (News? What news??)
I stayed the same this week and I'm ok about it as I haven't been well (just a coldy/fluey thing) so I'm sure my efforts will show sooner or later. On Sunday I went to Dee's High Tea (at the Stamford Grand at Glenelg) for her kitchen tea, it was such a lovely day and great time, nice to have something to dress up for!! I allowed myself 1 scone (which were quite small and very light!) with a teaspoon of jam but no cream. and a couple of the sandwich fingers and of course some of the lovely fuit platter that was eventually placed in prime position right in front of Dee and me! YAY! (ok, ok I'll tell you)
A couple of weeks ago I told you I had some news for you all.. the news was that my Dr gave me a letter to say I'm at goal, I just had to get WW to approve it and I WAS going to use it, but after thinking about it I have decided not to. I have decided that even if I limp all the way.. I will get to goal. If I were to use the letter I would have been dissappointed in myself. So that was it, I know, not all that earth shattering now, but it would have meant I was at goal if I used it, sorry to dissappoint, you'll just have to hold on to the streamers, balloons and flowers for a few more weeks!
I am almost 1/2 way through my busy schedule.. what do they say about not raining, but pouring? That has been the last couple of weeks for me and will be the next couple too, but I will get though them in time to hopefully have a little relax before the man in the big red suit comes in just over 4 weeks.. can you believe that? Seriously how fast has this year gone???
Posted by
1:32 pm
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I found this particularly UNFLATTERING pic of Brad and I, Daniel was 6 moths old so it was 3.5 years ago. Just so you can compare the pics from the wedding I posted last week! I seem to be Postie McPost lately!
Brad has lost almost 25kgs so between us we have lost over 80kgs. Amazing when you think about it!
and here is another shocker of me, I thought I looked good in this top! DENIAL (De Nile) is not just a river near Egypt! lol
Quite a difference eh?
Posted by
1:18 pm
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