If any of my members need to contact me..

My Meetings this week

  • Monday, Broadview, 5.30pm
  • Monday, Broadview, 7pm
  • Wednesday, St Agnes, 9am
  • Wednesday, Wynn Vale, 5.30pm
  • Friday Myer Centre 9am-2pm
  • Saturday, St Agnes, 8.30am
  • Saturday, St Agnes, 10am

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Another one bites the dust

Kilo that is.. My loss for this week is -1.0kg. Yay me!

Last week I was feeling hungry between meals which lead me to believe that I wasn't eating enough at mealtimes and although I was only snacking on core foods I was not felling at all satisfied. So this week I upped my portion sizes slightly and it worked, I was not feeling hungry between meals much at all (well not compared to the week before) so there for not feeling the need to snack as much.

I seem to be craving pears at the moment, which is a tad bizarre as I've never really liked them very much, but considering that we are heading into winter and there isn't many fruits in season, it's not such a bad thing!

We've also found a great new playground which is a good 20 minute walk from our house and it's excellent. Daniel is very impressed, what more can a 2 year old ask for, eh?


Anonymous said...

Fantastic Shaz. You are doing so well. Now can you just lend me some of your motivation....please

Tania said...

Hey Shaz - just linked to your blog from someone elses and wanted to say what a fantastic job you're doing!

I too live in Adelaide, am in my mid 30's and have a young son and have struggled with my weight for years. It's blogs like yours that give me the inspiration and motivation to stay focussed and commit to achieving my weight loss goals once and for all.

I've lost nearly 20kgs from my start weight but have yoyo'd for a while, time to get back on track! I'll be back regularly to read more about your journey.

Congrats on what you've achieved so far.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Shaz!! You are an inspiration and I am really proud of you.

Keep up the good work.