If any of my members need to contact me..

My Meetings this week

  • Monday, Broadview, 5.30pm
  • Monday, Broadview, 7pm
  • Wednesday, St Agnes, 9am
  • Wednesday, Wynn Vale, 5.30pm
  • Friday Myer Centre 9am-2pm
  • Saturday, St Agnes, 8.30am
  • Saturday, St Agnes, 10am

Tuesday, 24 April 2007


CORE does work! -1.8kgs for me this week and a total loss so far of 25.3kgs. (That sounds allot written down, eh?) WOW!

I had to weigh Tuesday this week due to ANZAC day.

I remember my first meeting, someone said that day that she had lost 25kg so far, I thought OMG that is so far away.... but that is me now. It's just amazing. Can someone please tell me why I didn't start Weight Watchers sooner????

Updated pics added, and I even included a "TBL" Style pic... cos I can!! :)
The jeans in the photo are a size 24.. I'm currently fitting 18 and squeezing into a 16 (ok they are pretty tight, so we'll give it a couple of weeks) !! Woohoo I'll be able to shop in "normal size" shops soon!

Friday, 20 April 2007

I've made the switch!

After a 0.0kg loss this week (ie I lost NOTHING, but didn't gain either!) I've decided to give CORE a go. It really isn't that much different to the types of food we eat now, so we'll see what happens. In any case, I feel happy with my decision.

Monday, 16 April 2007

I'm in shock!

I was at the shopping centre this morning to get the tyre fixed in the pram and I was there til lunch time, Brad rang and wanted me to bring him home some sushi rolls, Daniel wanted a hot dog (so I was in the food court) Now normally the old me would have jumped at the chance of getting *something* from there. I used to purposely go there around lunchtime, just so I could grab something *on the way home*. But today as I was walking though, mentally calculating the *points* in my head I figured I would be better off, and was actually looking forward more, to the tuna salad I had planned to eat for lunch. I'm still in shock! Who is this person??

Thursday, 12 April 2007

There is no IF.

Loss this week 0.7kgs. Which is exactly the kind of loss I'm aiming for. Current loss is 23.5kgs. So I'm happy. :)

I was wondering yesterday morning what to wear when I remembered a skirt I had before I moved to Adelaide - 6 years ago, (to be honest I hadn't worn it allot because it never really fit properly) but it was really pretty so I hoped that it had somehow survived the numerous wardrobe "chuck-outs" that I've had in that time. Good news, it survived and even better, it fit! But best of all it looked great!

I was chatting to a friend on MSN the other night saying "When I get to goal..." and she interrupted me. She said "This whole time you have been doing WW you have never said if, it has always been when." I replied, "There is no IF, IF is not an option!"

I have no doubt, I will get to goal.

Sunday, 8 April 2007

Happy Easter

It's Easter and I have been very good! Our fridge is full of chocolate and I have not had any. I hope the scales are good to me this week! I feel good and I feel strong, by not having any. Is that strange? I did have a hot cross bun on Good Friday.. well 2/3's of one actually. I cut the bun in 3 and gave the middle bit to Daniel! It was lovely, but it's all I really wanted was to taste it. Last year I wouldn't have thought twice about having a couple for breakfast, dripping in butter and perhaps another 1 or 2 thought out the day. Things have certainly changed!

Sunday, 1 April 2007

All glammed up!

We didn't have time to take pics before we left for the wedding so this is me after we got home, windblown hair and all! (there are pics of me at the wedding, but not on our camera). I was able to stick to my points for the day. We got to chose our own meals which helped!