CORE does work! -1.8kgs for me this week and a total loss so far of 25.3kgs. (That sounds allot written down, eh?) WOW!
I had to weigh Tuesday this week due to ANZAC day.
I remember my first meeting, someone said that day that she had lost 25kg so far, I thought OMG that is so far away.... but that is me now. It's just amazing. Can someone please tell me why I didn't start Weight Watchers sooner????
Updated pics added, and I even included a "TBL" Style pic... cos I can!! :)
The jeans in the photo are a size 24.. I'm currently fitting 18 and squeezing into a 16 (ok they are pretty tight, so we'll give it a couple of weeks) !! Woohoo I'll be able to shop in "normal size" shops soon!